Peak Performance Coaching and Consulting uses a results-oriented process to help clients achieve results. Typical return-on-investment is a minimum 5:1 return on the personal development dollars invested in coaching.
Additionally, clients report that the coaching benefits have a long-term lasting effect as new behavior patterns and habits become permanent. Thus, benefits are typically recurring even after the coaching engagement has expired.
Finally, clients also report that in addition to achieving better business results with less effort, they also have a better sense of control, balance, and peace in their lives.
PPCC’s results-oriented process is customized to each individual client. Components that are integral in this process include:
- A personalized development plan for each participant focuses on their specific professional developmental needs.
- A three-way Upfront Agreement between participant, sponsoring manager, and coach insures agreement and concentration on specific goals and expected outcomes.
- An ongoing development process relentlessly focuses on improvement in processes, behaviors, and results.
- Rather than a one-time training seminar, our process produces both short-term results and lasting behavior changes that produce long-term and lasting benefits.
- A resource that supplements your management that can, by being an outside independent party, often engage in conversations and help produce results not otherwise possible.
- Tremendous flexibility in engagement with respect to frequency, number of participants, and length of engagement to meet individual/organizational needs.