Usually the more successful an individual or organization, the more likely they are to utilize a coach. Coaching is not about fixing but about helping taking performance to the next level. Thus, examples of people who use coaches include:
- Successful business owners and executives (from small business owners to CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies).
- Successful sports stars.
- Successful Account Managers/Sales Executives (in all industries).
- Successful Coaches (including Dan Hoch)
Coaching is a process between client and coach to help the client realize his goals. Ultimately, the client is responsible for their success, but here are some ways that you can count on your coach to assist:
- Being a sounding board for your ideas, concerns, goals and plans.
- Keeping a big picture perspective on priorities and challenges.
- Providing accountability to your plans, tasks and actions.
- Bringing clarity to your professional/personal goals, obstacles and solutions.
- Brainstorming creative solutions that work uniquely for you.
- Understanding your motivation strategies—what is behind your goals.